Church Cleaning & Maintenance – Our church & basement are cleaned and dusted on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Please contact the parish office to volunteer your helping hands!

Routine maintenance issues can be turned in to the parish office. Potential hazards should be immediately identified to the ushers.

Emmanuel Youth Service Corps – The EYSC is comprised of 11 teams, each meeting specific needs of the parish and Dayton community. These teams include: Altar Server, Artistic Service, Corporal Works of Mercy, Hospitality, Immaculate HEART Co-op, Music Ministry, Prayer, Pro-Life, Religious Education, Renovation, and Youth Group.   Members of EYSC are welcome to serve on as many Teams as they desire. Senior Corps members, aged 14-18, may serve in leadership positions.

For more information on the EYSC, please contact:

EYSC President: Sarah Schutte or

EYSC Moderator: Stephanie Schutte or (937)431-5332

Liturgical Ministry

Altar Servers –Our Altar Server program at Emmanuel is rooted in the traditions of piety and reverence. Under the leadership of Deacon Rusty Baldwin, this program helps to educate the servers on the various parts of the Mass and reasons why Catholic worship is unique and the perfect form of worship. If you or your son would like to join in this program, please contact the parish office.

Extraordinary Ministers – This ministry serves our community through the reverent distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in this ministry.

Lectors – Adult men interested in proclaiming the Word of God at Sunday and Holy Day Masses, please contact the parish office if you are interested in this ministry.

Ushers – Young and older men are encouraged to join this ministry. Ask one of the ushers at Mass for more information or contact the parish office.

Pro-Life –       Emmanuel’s Pro-Life group fosters participation in and support of authentic Catholic Pro-Life activities to affirm and defend all human life from conception until natural death.  Meetings: 9AM First Sunday, Church Basement.

St. Vincent de Paul – This parish conference (SVDP), provides a unique style of personal assistance with food, rent, clothing, and utilities. We assist our parishioners and anyone in need in the 45402 postal code area.  Please call the St. Vincent de Paul’s phone line, 937-228-3771, and leave a message as to the need. A conference member will check messages and return the client’s call. The client’s need is then evaluated by the committee. Volunteers are welcome! Meetings: 6:30PM First Monday in the Education Center.